Introduction for authors

1. Prospectus of JSTP Open e-journal

At this time of the anniversary, JSTP would like to provide a new opportunity for researchers and engineers who do not have proper opportunities for presenting their achievements, so that they might be able to get publicity for their results in areas from budding or fundamental research to application in engineering. This new opportunity will activate human interaction between countries and allow more people to take part in the interaction. Hence, JSTP is now starting up JSTP Open e-journal as the new opportunity, whereby the authors will be able to have their various articles on technology of plasticity published free of charge.

Researchers and engineers will obtain the following benefits through JSTP Open e-journal.

Since JSTP Open e-journal aims to provide a free and highly accessible opportunity for sending out information, the procedure is simple, and the articles may be full paper, abstract, fast report or poster. As long as the authors accept responsibility for the content, any articles on technology of plasticity would be acceptable.
As JSTP fully supports the expenditure for the website publishing, the authors will be exempt from any publication charge.
The foundation of JSTP Open e-journal and its operation have been strongly supported by the Amada Foundation. Hereby, we would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude for their strong assistance and precious financial support.

2.Qualification for contributing articles

The main theme of the article must be on the technology of plasticity. Authors who would like to submit articles to JSTP Open e-journal should pay respect to the following qualifications for the submission of articles.

3. Procedure to contribute articles

The procedure of publication is very simple as follows:

4.Formality of articles

5. Selection of articles for publication

All articles will be checked by JSTP Open e-journal WG on the above "Qualification for contributing articles" and "Formality of articles". If articles are determined satisfactory, they will be published on the website. The selection results will be informed to the authors by e-mail.

6. Publication of articles for JSTP Open e-journal

Selected articles will be published with numbers, dates of reception and publication at a special website which is linked to the homepage of JSTP. Anyone will be able to browse and access the published articles worldwide. The articles will be found on the site without limitation for the time being. However, the policy may be changed depending on the situation.

7. Copyright

The authors will retain the copyrights of the articles. JSTP will have the publishing rights only during the publishing period, and will use the articles only for the publication in the website of JSTP Open e-journal.

8. Recommendation of articles to JSTP journal

If an article is highly evaluated by JSTP Open e-journal WG, the author(s) will be recommended to submit a paper to the Journal of JSTP (Sosei-to-Kakou) in English, as with JSTP Open e-journal.

9. Expenditure for publication

As JSTP fully supports the expenditure for the website publishing, the authors will be exempt from any publication charge.

10. Sub-organization of JSTP to support JSTP Open e-journal

Selection of papers and the maintenance of the website are conducted by JSTP Open e-journal WG, which is supported by the following sub-organizations of the JSTP:

11. Contact address for direct Q & A

(1) Professor Michihiko Hoshino
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University 1-8-14, Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda, Tokyo 101-8308, Japan
Tel +81(0)3-3259-0735

(2) Associate Professor Takashi Kuboki
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering & Intelligent Systems, University of Electro-Communications 1-5-1 Chofu Gaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182-8585, Japan
Tel +81(0)42-443-5410

Since JSTP Open e-journal aims to provide a free and highly accessible opportunity for sending out information, the submission method and process are concise, and the articles could be published in the various forms of abstract, fast report or poster. As long as the authors accept responsibility for the content, any articles without advertisement on plastic forming would be acceptable. This web-site is supported by The Amada Foundation. We would like to express my gratitude to The Amada Foundation.
